privacy policies

This policy describes how NeuApps and partners. (Partnerships)
            collects, disseminates the information.
           the 4 pillars that best describe NeuApps are:
          * Security - Information collected through the app
            is protected so that data will not be leaked.
             * Liability - Data processing is protected
            in such a way that, about the choice we will give you the information of
            as the data itself is needed.
          * Usability - We pay for the way the app
            works in such a way that, you can opine (suggest), something new
            in the application, being it (improvements).
            * People are special - We really like a dialogue, not
            we tolerate, any kind of act that could harm the privacy
            of another user of the application itself, in case or you will be
            banned from all NeuApps platforms.
